RBAFC Mobile App

Privacy Policy

App Wizard Logo

Updated January 2022

Privacy Policy for the Redland Bay Amateur Fishing Club Inc. Mobile Application for iPhone and Android Devices (referred to hereafter as ‘the App’).

The App is proudly developed by App Wizard (appwizard.com.au). This privacy policy discloses how the App accesses, collects, uses and shares user data.

Users are required to register to gain access to the App. A user that has successfully registered is known as a registrant.

The type of personal and sensitive user data the App collects includes the name, email address and phone number of the registrant (as part of the registration process). This information is shared with the Redland Bay Amateur Fishing Club Inc. (RBAFC) for communication purposes. Other than the data shared with the RBAFC disclosed above, a user’s details will not be used for third-party marketing or research purposes, given or sold to third parties under any circumstances (other than to government officials if compelled to do so under law).

The App includes automated geofenced messaging, to remind user’s to utilise the App's Log-On and Log-Off features. These messages are displayed automatically on a user’s device when in close proximity to specific boat ramps in the greater Redland Bay region. In order for the geofenced messaging service to work, the App requires access to the user’s location (in the background), so that the message will be displayed whether your are using the App at the time, or not. You are able to accept or deny use of location data as part of the prominent disclosure displayed in the App.

The App also accesses the user’s location so that it can be displayed on a map page (if opened), which shows the location of the nearest boat ramp.

The App’s Brag Board upload feature enables a user to upload an image and/or a voice recording. If utilised, the App will require access to the user’s photos, and/or camera, and/or microphone, depending on which feature is used. To support safety outcomes, the App’s Fishing Trip Registration Form, Log-on Form and Log-Off form contain a field for entering passenger names. This data, if provided, will be collected by App Wizard and the RBAFC accordingly. The passenger name field is not mandatory and the user can opt not to provide this data at their discretion.

If completed, the RBAFC Membership Application Form contained in the App collects the following personal data (for individual applicant’s and their family members, if applicable):

• Name
• Address
• Date of Birth
• Email Address
• Contact Number(s)
• Relationship of family member to applicant.

The above information will be shared with the RBAFC (only) as required to process an application for membership and will not be disclosed with any other third-parties under any circumstances (other than if compelled to do so under law).

All personal and sensitive user data obtained via use of the App is handled securely as part of App Wizard’s modern security and data management framework. App Wizard’s operational framework includes the use of secure and redundant data centres across three continents with live monitoring, DDoS guarding and appropriate access restrictions established.

App Wizard will retain any data collected via the App for the life of the App’s operation, or as advised by the RBAFC. Registrants / users can request that their registration be cancelled and all associated data deleted by submitting the Data Management request (accessed on the ‘Connect’ tab of the App).

Any enquiries regarding this privacy policy, or the collection and use of data associated with the App, can be directed via email to info@appwizard.com.au, or by phoning 1300 304 224 (Australia).