How to Edit 'App Store' Properties & Multimedia

App Wizard Logo

The following tutorial describes how to edit the Apple 'App Store' Properties and 'App Multimedia' images for your App. This information is applicable to Apps developed for Apple iPhone / iPad devices only. Please refer to How to Edit 'Play Store' Properties & Multimedia to edit these settings in Apps developed for Android devices.

Step 1 - Select App Store Properties

Step 1 Image
From your App's 'Dashboard', select 'App Store Properties' on the right-hand side.

Step 2 - App Store Properties

Step 2 Image

2.1 App Name.  In the 'App Store Properties' screen, insert the Name for your App (e.g. Willow Vale Dog Grooming) - spaces are allowed.

Note:  This is the name that will be displayed in the Apple 'App Store'. The name chosen for your App should not be generic - it should be unique to your individual business to avoid publishing complications (where another App may already exist under the same name).

2.2  Change 'Primary Category' to the most suitable category for your App. Note the 'Secondary Category' field is for 'Game' Apps only and is not applicable to other App types. It does not matter what 'Secondary Category' is selected for non game-specific iOS Apps.

2.3  In the 'App Store Description' field, enter a description for your App. This information will be displayed on the Apple 'App Store' and will also be shown when the App is viewed in the App Wizard Previewer. This field has a maximum of 4000 characters.

2.4  Support URL. The Support URL is required to provide a point-of-contact for any problems experienced with the App (e.g. dead links etc.). If your business has a website, provide the full web address (URL) for your Contact or Home page, so that users can contact you regarding any issues. If you have no website, enter the URL for the App Wizard Home Page (i.e. This field is mandatory.

Note:  This image must be a 1024 x 1024 pixel .png file only. Other sizes or image file types will be rejected.

Remember:  Image file names are to contain only numbers, letters and underscores with NO SPACES (e.g. Example_App_Icon_2.png).

2.5  Privacy Policy. Enter a URL for the Privacy Policy (if applicable) associated with your App. This field is optional. Enter any 'Copyright' details applicable for the content in your App in the 'Copyright' field. For further information about the Privacy Policy URL or the Copyright field, hover the cursor over the 'i' symbol located on the right hand side of either field.

2.6  What's New in This Version. Include details about the App's inclusions. This information is particularly relevant when re-publishing an updated App.

2.7  Contact Information. Enter your contact details as required. If your App complies with the publishing requirements, it is unlikely you will be contacted.

2.8  Demo Account Information. These properties only need to be completed if you have customised your App to include ‘Log-In’ functionality (e.g. restricted access feature). This functionality is not incorporated into the App Wizard range of templates by default, so ordinarily you can leave these fields blank. If you have established 'Log-in' functionality into your App, provide a Username and Password for a dummy user who has been set-up with access within your App.

2.9  Review Notes for App Wizard Team. Provide any information considered important. For example (e.g. describe the reason for re-publishing). This field is optional.

2.10  App Icon. Click 'Change' to upload (or change) the icon. Ideally, the icon selected should be the same logo used for your business' general marketing purposes, such as the logo featured on your website. Note that smaller sizes of the same image will be used in the 'App Multimedia' section for the App's Icons (described below).

Click 'SAVE' then click 'DONE' to return to the App's 'Dashboard'. You can click 'SAVE' / 'DONE' at any stage and return to complete later.

Step 3 - Select App Multimedia

Step 3 Image
From the App's 'Dashboard', select 'App Multimedia'.

Step 4 - App Icons

Step 4 Image

App Icons. On the App Multimedia screen, select the 'App Icons' tab on the left. The different-sized 'Application icons' uploaded in this section are used to display each image on Apple devices with different screen sizes and/or resolution (e.g. iPhone 4 or iPhone 5 etc.).

To add a new icon, select 'Change' below each 'Application icon' and add a new image as required.

Note:  Upload the desired image and resize as required for each icon. The sizes required are indicated for each 'Application icon'. See below for guidance about resizing icon images. All icon images must be .PNG ONLY.

Remember:  Image file names are to contain only numbers, letters and underscores with NO SPACES (e.g. Example_App_Icon_2.png).

Design:  We recommend using borderless square images without rounded corners, noting that all 'Application icons' are cut by Apple with a different corner radius for each phone type. Also, it is important to note that all 'Application icon' images should extend to the edge of the canvas and must not contain a clear background layer (Alpha Channel), as any clear background space will be displayed as solid black (both in the App Store and on Apple devices).

Remember:  Image file names are to contain only numbers, letters and underscores with NO SPACES (e.g. Example_Splash_Screen_Image_3.png).

Step 5 - Resizing an App Icon

Step 5 Image
After uploading an icon image, you are able to resize the image (and/or crop the image) as required. This feature makes it easy to use the same icon image for all 'Application Icons' for consistency.

Simply make sure the correct dimensions are indicated in the corresponding field, then click 'RESIZE' (and/or 'CROP'). The area of the icon image which will be displayed (after applying the intended changes) is highlighted as a guide.

When finished, click 'SAVE'.

Step 6 - Splash Screens

Step 6 Image

Splash Screens. The different-sized 'Splash Screens' uploaded in this section are used to display each image on Apple devices with different screen sizes and/or resolution (e.g. iPhone 3 or iPhone5 etc.).

Click 'Change' below each 'Splash Screen' and add a new image as required.

Note:  Upload the image and resize to fit the required dimensions. See below for guidance about resizing a Splash Screen. The dimensions for each Splash Screen are indicated above each image. The image files must be .PNG ONLY.

Remember:  Image file names are to contain only numbers, letters and underscores with NO SPACES (e.g. Example_Splash_Screen_Image_3.png).

Further Info:  A 'Splash Screen' is displayed every time an App is opened on a mobile device. When an App is initially downloaded and viewed for the first time on the App Wizard Previewer, the 'Splash Screen' remains visible for an extended period of time whilst the App loads. The 'Splash Screen' may apppear slightly stretched on initial viewing, however it will then be displayed at the correct size each time the App is previewed.

When finished, click 'DONE' to return to the App's 'Dashboard'. You can click 'DONE' (to save your work) at any stage while updating 'App Multimedia' and return to complete later.

Step 7 - Resizing a Splash Screen

Step 7 Image
After uploading the Splash Screen image, you are able to resize the image (and/or crop the image) as required. This feature makes it easy to use the same Splash Screen image for consistency.

Simply make sure the correct dimensions are indicated in the corresponding field, then click 'RESIZE' (and/or 'CROP'). The area of the icon image which will be displayed (after applying the intended changes) is highlighted as a guide.

When finished, click 'SAVE'.